III.   Contents

This module consists of three main strands, each of which is based on the theoretical foundations of the previous strand. The strands are closely interrelated, and each is supported by a series of tutorials, applied assignments and other activities to understand and acquire the necessary knowledge. The detailed module plan can be accessed via the online module by clicking on Detailed plan.

1)   Chapter I:

Covers the basics of thermodynamics, with definitions that are - for the most part - essential to understanding the chapters that follow.

2)    The chapters that follow develop the first two principles of thermodynamics and their application to perfect gases. This is one of the fundamental postulates assimilated to principles and serves as the foundation for the imposing edifice of macroscopic thermodynamics and the various cycles of thermal machines.

3)    The last two chapters provide an indispensable basis for any kinetic study of a chemical process, covering both the elementary notions of formal kinetics and the mathematical bases concerning the notion of the speed of a chemical reaction and its evolution over time, the parameters influencing the speed of a reaction and the determination of the order of a reaction by physical-chemical methods. The form in which this handout is presented is the result of reading numerous basic works and documents, most of which are cited in the bibliography.